Success Stories

Weight Loss

Kimmie's Tacos

Kimmie's Taco Recipe Revealed

Are you ready for me to share my secret recipe? Well, here it is. This recipe is simply too good not to share. In fact, we have even incorporated it into The AcuPlus Weight Loss Program™, where our patients not only lose 20+ pounds in six weeks–but t hey also get to indulge in tacos.


Weight Loss Blog

The Missing Link in Weight Loss: The Wisdom of Chinese Medicine

I’m a doctor. I’m also a menopausal woman. I gained 50 pounds in 5 years. I felt miserable.

For the last five years, I made the SAME resolution over and over again. It was always to lose weight. And guess what? Over and over again, I reached the end of the year–and FAILED.

My little five pound pudge turned into ten, then 20, then menopause, then a pandemic. Before I knew it I’d gained 50 pounds! The term “fat and happy” is a big FAT lie.