Chronic Pain and Inflammation

Not all pain is created equal. In our clinic we treat both acute and chronic pain.

Acute Pain: Maybe you slept wrong, worked too hard out in the yard, or injured yourself playing golf. It's a new pain, which is fairly easy to fix. Often an over-the-counter pain reliever, a massage, and a hot shower will resolve that pain. If that doesn't work. Give us a call. 

Chronic Pain: This is pain that you have been experiencing for a long time. OR–pain that randomly shows up, but is caused by an underlying tension that has been hiding out in your body for a long time. The cause of chronic pain varies–old injuries, emotional tension, scar tissue blockages, environmental toxins, and more.

The AcuPLUS™ Chronic Pain Signature Program
was developed specifically for
chronic pain patients.

How do you know if our AcuPLUS Signature Chronic Pain Program is right for you?

  • Your body hurts... Back pain. Neck pain. Shoulder pain. Headache. Etc.
  • You have old injuries which are beginning to cause you pain again.
  • You want to go walking, stretch, ride a bike, or go to the gym—but when you try to move your body, you hurt. So you don’t.
  • You are more tired then you should be. 
  • You feel an enormous amount of stress and anxiety.
  • You cry or anger easily.
  • You are sick and tired of feeling miserable.
  • You need a little help...


New Patient Offer


What to expect.

1. An initial consultation with Dr. Thompson to find out if you are a candidate for the program.

Dr. Thompson will meet with you to discuss your symptoms. She'll do an AcuGraph exam to measure your acupuncture pathways and show you the imbalances which are causing pain in your body.

If you are the right candidate for the AcuPLUS Chronic Pain Signature Program™, she will develop a custom treatment plan to fit your needs.

2. A treatment plan which allows you to gain control of your life.

Chronic conditions resolve in layers. As you walk through your journey with Dr. Thompson you will experience cumulative longterm changes. 

  • Relief of muscular tension.
  • Reduction of pain and inflammation on a cellular level.
  • Overall wellbeing.

Most patients begin the AcuPLUS™ journey because they are in pain. By the end of the three month journey they find that their pain has been resolved AND they also experience better sleep, better moods, better digestion, and more.

3. A doctor with experience.

Dr. Thompson has been treating chronic pain conditions for more than 20 years. She understands what you are going through and knows how to help.

She’s not just an acupuncturist. She is a specialist. In fact, she is a world renowned teacher. Acupuncturists from around the world seek her wisdom and experience–because she is THE expert when it comes to combining acupuncture and modern-science based treatment strategies to resolve chronic pain.  


What is included in the Program?


AcuGraph Digital Analysis

We will begin your journey by measuring your acupuncture pathways to see which acupuncture pathways are out of balance. This will give us a baseline so we can watch your progress. 

On your first visit you will receive a printed AcuGraph report which will help you to understand how imbalances in the acupuncture pathways are affecting your health. We will reassess your progress half-way through the treatment plan and again at the end. 



Acupuncture is helpful for rebalancing the body so you can heal.

Our focus during the AcuPLUS™ journey will be on resolving muscular tension to relieve pain, improving circulation to reduce inflammation at a cellular level, and regulate the lymphatic system to boost the immune system.


Frequency Specific Microcurrent

Frequency Specific Microcurrent is a non-invasive technique using low-level electrical current for treating pain, reducing inflammation, and improving circulation. There are 100’s of frequencies that we use to reduce inflammation and pain at a cellular level. 

03 Reboot

Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy works to increase the amount of oxygen in your body to create therapeutic responses. Increased oxygen to the blood stream has the following physiological effects: 

  • Boost the Immune System
  • Detoxify
  • Increase circulation
  • Increase cognitive function

Are you ready for the transformation?




Live your LIFE. Pain free.